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A Canadian Butterfly
Have Pump Will Travel..

Erica's Grey Bag . . .

"Erica, grab your grey bag!". That is a common saying in our house. Erica's grey bag contains everything we might need while away from home on an overnighter, or vacation.

To some this bag might seem like overkill, but to us it is 'supreme comfort'. No more driving home in the middle of the night because we were out of something, or knocking on the doors of a pharmacy that just closed, because we ran out of insulin. Been there, done that :) We check the bag and our list prior to a trip, and refresh it accordingly. What can I say, I was a Girl Guide!


Here, for your information or amusement, is the list of contents for Erica's Grey Bag.

Glucometer - Who doesn't bring their glucometer?
Calculator - For determining bolus amounts (carbs/ratio)
Strips, and lots of them - Oh yeah, they come in handy
Silhouettes - We take many more than we think we need
Spare batteries/pump/glucometer - Batteries only run out when you are away from home :)
Spare H/R/N - You never know what might happen!
Insulin Syringes - A backup to the pump if we have a problem.
Alcohol Wipes - Keep that site clean
Emla - If needed for a site change
Food Books - carbs for foods from Alligator to Zebra!
Minimed Book - Our guide to so many things
Logbook - Keep those sugars listed!
Food Scale - Weighing food for carb counting
Tegaderm - Great for keeping EMLA & infusion sets in place
Ketostix - Some day we might need them!
Pump syringes - The pump does have to be refilled now and then :)
Poker refills - Keep those fingertips safe
Glucagon - Heaven forbid we would need it, but . . .
Bandaids - Sometimes an old site looks better with a bandaid
Anti Bac Cream - Never had to use it . . . yet :)
Spare Glucometer - Nice to have a backup instead of asking
people if they are diabetic and can you borrow theirs.
Binder - My Bible! I have printed off so many e-mails and postings to the IP. I couldn't do without them!!
Blue minimed bag - It's pretty! Erica puts her pump into it
before jumping into the pool.
List Of Phone Numbers - The Endo, CDE, and Minimed
Skin So Soft - Great for removing adhesive from old sites

Can You Think Of Anything Else??? Let Me Know!